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The Arcane Domain Web site consists of all Web resources published with URIs that begin with the characters or Except as specifically indicated for particular postings, images or quotes, all content of the Arcane Domain site is copyright by Noah Mendelsohn. Except insofar as applicable laws provide you fair use or other rights, permission is required for reproduction or republication of any or all of this site, whether in electronic, magnetic, optical, printed or other form. For permission to reproduce, or other questions relating to use of the content of this site, please contact the Web master by emailing webmaster at, where "at" is replaced by the @ character. Whenever quoting or reproducing content from this site, please provide attribution to Noah Mendelsohn.

You are encouraged to link either to the home page of this site, or to any of the Web pages contained within it. Although it is my intention to keep the URIs for such contained content stable, I cannot absolutely guarantee that I will succeed in doing so.

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